Your giving helps more people find freedom in the grace of God.
Your support extends our reach!
You are invited to partner with us as we share a message that has radically changed our perspective of God. Your giving enables us to provide the resources needed to grow our current ministry, bless our community, and increase our reach both here and around the world.
Here are a few things you may like to know about your giving to Grace Orlando:
Your giving is confidential.
Your name or amount that you give never goes beyond our financial department.
Your giving is 100% tax deductible.
We are a qualified 501c3 organization.
You receive a year-end giving statement.
If you have a question about your giving, you can email our Financial Director.
You can be confident.
Your gifts are wisely managed so that every dollar is maximized for ministry and mission.
One more way to give?
There is no need for Wi-Fi; you can text your donations. Once you set it up on your phone, it’s as easy as texting a friend.
Text-giving phone number: (407) 904-7474
(Suggestion: add as “Grace Text Giving” to your Contacts so you don’t have to remember the phone number.)
*Text the amount you’d like to give to (407) 904-7474 (e.g. $50 – dollar sign is optional). If you don’t specify a designated fund by keyword (see below for our keywords), donations will automatically go to our General Fund. Note: Donors can only give to one fund at a time.
*If it’s the first time you are donating by text, you’ll be sent a text message that says, “It looks like you are a new giver; to begin: (link provided).” The link will be to Grace Church’s online giving page. When you click on the link, you will be asked to supply your payment method (credit card, debit card, or bank account). This payment source will then be linked to your phone number so that, in the future, all you will need to do is text the amount. (You will not need to re-enter your payment information.)
*Each time you donate a one-time gift by text, you’ll receive a text in response confirming that your gift has been received successfully. (You will also receive an email confirmation.)
*To set up recurring giving: text the amount and frequency you would like to give. Options are weekly, biweekly, monthly, and yearly. (E.g. “$50 weekly” sets up recurring gift to General Fund. “$50 Missions weekly” sets up recurring gift to Missionary Ventures. (Recurring gifts will receive email only, no text.)
*To give to a specific fund: text the amount you would like to give and the corresponding keyword. (Remember to include a space between the dollar amount and keyword; otherwise, you will receive an error message.) An example of the correct format is $50 Missions.
Keyword Options (Keywords are not case sensitive, dollar sign is optional): Cafe goes to coffee, donuts, etc.; Camp goes to youth camp expenses; Missions goes to Missionary Ventures; VBS goes to Vacation Bible School expenses; Website goes to rebuilding/updating of website
Keywords to Make Changes: Refund: refunds your donation if texted within 24 hours of donation; Update a link will be texted back to make changes such as payment method, amount of recurring gift, etc.; Unlink unlinks your phone from the text-to-give system.